Harrison La

Craving authentic Vietnamese food? Well you could fly to Vietnam or let’s just visit Harrison and Kim La of Pho Cali restaurant in downtown Sarasota on Main Street. Harrison and Kim have brought together authentic Vietnamese family recipes in a great lunch and dinner menu for you to enjoy. Kim is busy in the kitchen combining the fresh ingredients with rich spices that make these savory dishes. Harrison took a few minutes to tell us about what they love about Sarasota.


Q:What’s your favorite thing or something unique about Sarasota?
A: The beach, it is the best.

Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in Sarasota?
A: Oh..the people here in Sarasota are so friendly.  Very difficult to pick just one. Ok…Kirk Weisman

Q: What’s your favorite restaurant in Sarasota?
A: Our own.

Q:What three words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word “HOME”?
A: Relax. Soft music. Coffee.

Q: What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you? 
A: I was an IT consultant in Philadelphia before moving to Sarasota 14 years ago. I gave that up and opened our own restaurant.

Q: If you were cast into a major motion picture and had your choice of anyone to be your co-sta, who would you choose?
A: Clint Eastwood

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Lord of the Rings

Q: If you had a full-time staff member that was fully paid for, who would you choose?
A: A nanny.

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